Here are some fixes that need to be done manually for the smooth working of rlxos 2106.
AppImages Integration
AppImages are not integrating automatically on hot directories.
- /Applications
- /opt
- $HOME/Applications
- $HOME/Download
The most possible reason for this is that appimaged (the daemon that is responsible to integrate AppImages into the system) is inactive. To confirm the reason execute the below command.
systemctl status appimaged --user
To Fix
If it's showing the Active state as inactive (dead) then execute the following commands to enable and activate it.
systemctl enable --now appimaged --user
AppImages are not working
Some users report that the most common appimages like LibreOffice-fresh are not working out of the box in rlxos.
Missing library
To Fix
Install fuse2 package which provides
sudo appctl sync
sudo appctl install fuse2
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